This blog isn't about me, it is about my two wonderful cats, Bob and Betty. They have saved my life, they are the best things in my life, they give me hope. Bob is quite a poorly cat so has many ups and downs, whereas Betty is just nuts, she takes after me I guess!
Thursday, 2 December 2010
sorry Betty
Sorry Betty, I just dropped my remote control for the TV on her head, she now thinks I am evil and am out to get her. She is looking at me with disgust. How do I tell her it was an accident?
Monday, 29 November 2010
Loving the heating
Now that it is so cold here now, obviously I have had to be generous with the heating, normally I am stingy with he heating, but I am not in the mood to sit in the cold, so Bob and Betty are loving it, they set up camp next to the heater and are in heaven. They come away from the heater when they have to for food, toilet etc, then head Back to the cosy spot next to the heater. I wish I had the life of a cat!
Bob is still being an angel, I need to start moving onto the next stage soon, but I am scared it may send him backwards, no matter how slow I do it. I think I will give him another week, to make extra sure it is ingrained in his brain!
Bob is still being an angel, I need to start moving onto the next stage soon, but I am scared it may send him backwards, no matter how slow I do it. I think I will give him another week, to make extra sure it is ingrained in his brain!
Monday, 22 November 2010
How did she do it?
Night nights! |
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Bob is still getting gold stars
At present my bed is covered in a sheet of plastic, with a piece of duvet on it that is approx 1 sixth of a double duvet. This is what he toilets on, obviously every time he goes on it I wash that piece and put a clean piece on the bed, but this isn't ideal for long term, but it is luxury compared to what I have been used to with him. The plan is to slowly turn the piece of duvet into a little tray, this is going to have to be done VERY slowly, as obviously I do not want him to feel rushed and go back wards, but I can now see an end to this, finely I will be able to have my bed back!
Bob was very ill as a youngster and it caused him to fear going to the toilet, especially in the litter tray, so he started to go on my bed and me, because it made him feel safe. Unfortunately the behaviour stuck and the only place he likes to toilet is me or my bed, not pleasant I assure you! But Bob is on the mend, slowly but surely.
But as you all no, I would never have Bob any other way, he is a special cat (and he knows it!)
Lets give poor Betty a mention, she always seems to be left out, she is all good fun, still into chasing cotton buds and doing her funny little winge noise. She is a special cat two, I love them both to pieces.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Betty's new love
Well Betty has now found the best toy ever, a cotton bud, I left one on the table, she seized her chance and stole it, now she is rolling around on the floor, doing roly polys on the floor chasing it, she thinks it is the best thing ever. Obviously I am closely supervising her as the last thing I want is for her to swallow it. Why is it you can spend so much money on cat toys and beds and they would much rather have a cotton bud and a card board box!
Bob is still being a star pupil, he is earning his gold stars!
Bob is still being a star pupil, he is earning his gold stars!
Friday, 12 November 2010
Bob is still being an angel
Molly the dog came around this evening, Bob loves Molly, he follows her around in ore of her, I think he wants to be her! Betty on the other hand stays up high and keeps her distance, she doesn't care for Molly, she would rather send her on her way!
Betty has got her appetite back, which is a relief, I was starting to get a bit worried. But that's the thing with Betty, she is always OK, she gets over anything, it is princess Bob that is the sickly one, the one that requires special attention, he may be huge, but he is delicate inside, Betty on the other hand is a tough nut!
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Bob you little angel
I spoke to Bobs behaviour team the other day, they decided the only option from now on was to shut Bob out of the bedroom over night, as he has been toileting on me on a nightly basis. I was so upset at the thought of him not sleeping with me any more, as it is something I love, but as the behaviour said, every night he toilets on me the behaviour is being reinforced. So I agreed that from now on at night Bob would be shut out of the bedroom.
That was until Bob suddenly decided he was going to be the perfect little student, that evening he went for a wee on the piece of duvet like he is meant to, once I had cleaned that up, he then did a poo on the piece of duvet. It was exactly what he was meant to be doing all of these months, perfectly. So my theory is that he heard me talking to the behaviour team, decided he didn't want to be shut out of the bedroom and decided to play ball. He has done it 3 days in a row now, perfectly. So obviously I haven't shut him out of the bedroom, I am just hoping that he keeps it up, maybe this is the break through we have been waiting for.
Betty on the other hand is still off her food a little, but she seems fine in herself.
That was until Bob suddenly decided he was going to be the perfect little student, that evening he went for a wee on the piece of duvet like he is meant to, once I had cleaned that up, he then did a poo on the piece of duvet. It was exactly what he was meant to be doing all of these months, perfectly. So my theory is that he heard me talking to the behaviour team, decided he didn't want to be shut out of the bedroom and decided to play ball. He has done it 3 days in a row now, perfectly. So obviously I haven't shut him out of the bedroom, I am just hoping that he keeps it up, maybe this is the break through we have been waiting for.
Betty on the other hand is still off her food a little, but she seems fine in herself.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Give me a break Bob
Bob did a poo on me in my sleep last night, a wee and a poo on me 2 nights previous to this, he is really winding me up now. The thing that gets tougher about it is the way he rubs against my legs purring as I am cleaning it up. I swear it is out to cause me to have a nervous breakdown!
Betty has been a bit off her food, I am not really sure why, I even put her tea on the top shelf of the scratch post, as that is her favourite place to sit. I worked on the principal that it might encourage her to eat it, but again she didn't really touch it. Either she is sickening for something or she has another hair ball, although she only brought one up recently.
Betty has been a bit off her food, I am not really sure why, I even put her tea on the top shelf of the scratch post, as that is her favourite place to sit. I worked on the principal that it might encourage her to eat it, but again she didn't really touch it. Either she is sickening for something or she has another hair ball, although she only brought one up recently.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Betty, Betty, Betty
I am pleased to say Betty has got over the ordeal and would eat it again given the chance, me on the other hand am still shaking. Do not get a cat with pica disorder, it is hard work!
Friday, 29 October 2010
Box city
I have made Bob a box city, it is his version of heaven, it takes up half the lounge, but if Bob is happy, that is what matters!
They are enjoying all of their new toys, it is nice to see them so interested in toys again as they had kind of lost interest in toys over the last few months.
More photos to compare Bob and Betty's size, sorry if I seem obsessed!
They are enjoying all of their new toys, it is nice to see them so interested in toys again as they had kind of lost interest in toys over the last few months.
More photos to compare Bob and Betty's size, sorry if I seem obsessed!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Bob and Betty have their own YouTube channel, check it out.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
The biggest box Bob has ever seen!
Well my order arrived today, most of it I am sending back as I really can't afford it and I should never have ordered. But lucky Bob and Betty are keeping some of it. But to be honest I don't think Bob will care, he has got the best gift of all, a box so big you could fit 10 Bobs in it. He is in heaven, box heaven. The sides are so hi on it that he has to stand on his back legs to reach over the top, he has spent hours getting in and out, he couldn't have wished for any thing more. Betty on the other hand can't understand what all the fuss is about, as far as she is concerned it is a box and that's that.
Betty is loving one of the toys we are keeping, it is like a little pond, you put water in it and it has bits that float in it that she can tap and try and fish out. They are happy as they have lots of different treats to eat and try, they don't get many treats as Bob is only meant to have his prescription food, so every now and then I let them have something a bit special to eat. At the end of the day, nobody would like to eat the same food every day for their entire lives.
Her are some pictures of Bob and his new box and both of them playing with some of the new things.
Betty is loving one of the toys we are keeping, it is like a little pond, you put water in it and it has bits that float in it that she can tap and try and fish out. They are happy as they have lots of different treats to eat and try, they don't get many treats as Bob is only meant to have his prescription food, so every now and then I let them have something a bit special to eat. At the end of the day, nobody would like to eat the same food every day for their entire lives.
Her are some pictures of Bob and his new box and both of them playing with some of the new things.
Betty wanting to know what is in the new box |
Bob looking lost in his new box |
Christmas come early! |
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Lucky lucky cats
Bob and Betty are very lucky, tomorrow a large parcel is going to be arriving and it is all for them. I have terrible problems with compulsive spending when I am stressed, the other day I was very stressed, the website I went on to deal with my stress was a online pet store, so half hour later, I had a full basket of cat goodies. I do not have the money to spend, I haven't even paid my rent yet (it was due on the tenth, whoops!), but Bob and Betty are going to have the day of their lives, £135 of cat toys! It is up to me to worry about the finances later.
Betty was enjoying a game with a spider yesterday, once again she was devastated when it died, her play thing was no longer moving, so Betty did the decent thing and ate it!
It is really cold here now, winter has hit, so the heating is on nice and high, which Betty in particular loves, she sits on top of the heater warming her bottom, I just get worried she might burn her tail!
Betty was enjoying a game with a spider yesterday, once again she was devastated when it died, her play thing was no longer moving, so Betty did the decent thing and ate it!
It is really cold here now, winter has hit, so the heating is on nice and high, which Betty in particular loves, she sits on top of the heater warming her bottom, I just get worried she might burn her tail!
Friday, 22 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
All fun and games!
Clever Bob has a new game, a game he obviously enjoys deeply, but it isn't any fun for me, he has started pulling the plastic that covers my bed up, doing a poo on my duvet and then pulling the plastic back over it. What a great game(when you are Bob). It is driving me nuts, why does he insist on punishing me? I love that cat more than anyone could ever imagine and then a bit more on top, so why does he keep doing this? I am exhausted of washing pood on bedding, my bedding!
Betty of course is continuing to be the perfect little angel that she always is, Bob needs to take a leaf out of her book.
I found these cute little charms that can go on their collars, when I have got a bit of dosh I will get them one each. On one side it has the word angel and a picture of a halo and on the other side it has the word devil with a picture of a devil fork. I think they would look really cute, but the only problem is Betty is never an devil and Bob is never an angel!
Bob is so massive that his collar is on the second to last hole, Betties is on the second hole, it just emphasises the size difference between them.
Betty of course is continuing to be the perfect little angel that she always is, Bob needs to take a leaf out of her book.
I found these cute little charms that can go on their collars, when I have got a bit of dosh I will get them one each. On one side it has the word angel and a picture of a halo and on the other side it has the word devil with a picture of a devil fork. I think they would look really cute, but the only problem is Betty is never an devil and Bob is never an angel!
Bob is so massive that his collar is on the second to last hole, Betties is on the second hole, it just emphasises the size difference between them.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Bob was obviously so desperate to do a poo on my bed as this evening he has gone to great lengths to carry out his wish, he pulled back the plastic that covers and protects my bed, did a poo underneath on my duvet and the very clever Bob pulled the plastic back over the top to hide his crime. Unfortunately for Bob it wasn't hidden for long as the stench of his poo wafted up the hall way into the lounge where I was enjoying a film. I went into the bedroom expecting to find a poo on the bed, but to my surprise I could not see one, but following my nose I lifted up the plastic and there it was, sat nicely on my duvet, Bobs present to me. Oh joy, another poo to clean up, another load of washing to do, that is love for you.
They have got really used to their new collars, Betty definitely can't get this one off, they look really cute in them, Bobs makes his cheeks look fatter for some reason, but they do look cute.
Betty has been really cuddly today, I love it when they have days like that, she wasn't to happy earlier as she had just got to sleep on my legs and then my door bell rang, so she had to move, life is so hard when you are a cat!
Betty found another spider to play with earlier, the problem is she loves playing with them, but she always accidentally kills them, she then can't understand why they no longer want to play with her, she taps them to try and get them to move, but it is to late, it is dead, so of course the only thing left to do is eat it, why not, I guess it is a tasty nutritious snack!
They have got really used to their new collars, Betty definitely can't get this one off, they look really cute in them, Bobs makes his cheeks look fatter for some reason, but they do look cute.
Betty has been really cuddly today, I love it when they have days like that, she wasn't to happy earlier as she had just got to sleep on my legs and then my door bell rang, so she had to move, life is so hard when you are a cat!
Betty found another spider to play with earlier, the problem is she loves playing with them, but she always accidentally kills them, she then can't understand why they no longer want to play with her, she taps them to try and get them to move, but it is to late, it is dead, so of course the only thing left to do is eat it, why not, I guess it is a tasty nutritious snack!
Friday, 15 October 2010
To good to be true
Betty loves taking her collar off, she can do it in a matter of seconds, but what makes it even more funny is that once she has taken it off she brings it to me and waits for me to put it back on her. It is obviously a really fun game. They need to get used to wearing them though. I have ordered them a new one each that has a different type of clasp on it, so once these ones arrive it will be interesting to see how long it takes her to work out how to get it off.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
You are going to have to get used to it!
Bob and Betty are not to happy with me as today I have put collars on them, they have never really worn collars before, I have never really been a big fan of them, but if they are going to be going away to the cats home to live for a while I want them to have ID on them and also I want them to be easily distinguishable from each other, I no Bob is huge and so I can tell him apart from Betty easily, but that is really the only difference between them, so I have given Betty a pink collar and Bob a blue one, so they will be no getting them mixed up. They are not keen on them and seem pretty annoyed with their new look, but it is for their own good, so they will just have to get used to it.
Bob has been doing well with the toilet the last few days, I am hoping he is getting the hang on it, maybe soon I will be able to sleep without the fear of him toileting on me in the night.
I love my little babies so much!
Bob has been doing well with the toilet the last few days, I am hoping he is getting the hang on it, maybe soon I will be able to sleep without the fear of him toileting on me in the night.
I love my little babies so much!
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Molly the dog
Monday, 11 October 2010
OMG Bob did a poo in the litter tray today, that has got to be the first time in months, I feel like drinking a bottle of champagne and throwing a party to celebrate! Will it last though, that is the question, but for now Bob is getting a lot of cuddles and treats to celebrate his good work.
Betty fell in the bath today, I have never seen her move so fast, I was led relaxing in the bath, she often will sit on the side of the bath and chat to me, she got up to go away and her back paw slipped and splash, in she went, right on top of me, she has left a nasty scratch on my chest in her panic to get out. She spent the next half hour running around like a loony and is now grooming herself, sat behind me on the sofa.
Betty fell in the bath today, I have never seen her move so fast, I was led relaxing in the bath, she often will sit on the side of the bath and chat to me, she got up to go away and her back paw slipped and splash, in she went, right on top of me, she has left a nasty scratch on my chest in her panic to get out. She spent the next half hour running around like a loony and is now grooming herself, sat behind me on the sofa.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Why Bob?
Ok, so I am even more annoyed with Bob than yesterday, he did another wee on me in the night last night and because the duvet protector was still wet after being washed I had no protection, so woke up about 3am with a soaking wet thigh, with a massive wet patch next to me. Bob Bob Bob, please stop, I love you so much, but it is getting hard to bare.
Lets look at lots of cute pictures to cheer me up!
Love you both,xxx
Lets look at lots of cute pictures to cheer me up!
Love you both,xxx
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Bob and Betty's Mum Socks feeding Betty's litter |
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You can't see me! |
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We can both fit! |
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Please Bob, give me a break!
The ever so thoughtful Bob decided to treat me to another wee on the bed in the night, obviously now I have my duvet protector, so I didn't get wet, but I noticed the wee as I rolled over and put my hand in a wet patch. Either he does it because he really loves me and thinks I like it, or he does it because he likes to piss me off, sometimes I struggle to work out which one it is! His behaviour isn't really progressing, he is still on the first stage of the behaviour plan, which means I still have to cover my bed in plastic during the day and I have a piece of duvet on it that he is allowed to toilet on. Obviously the aim is to get him using the litter tray again, but he doesn't want to move past the first stage, he is perfectly happy toileting on the piece of duvet in the day and on me in the night, I mean lets face it, which would you rather go on, a nice soft piece of duvet that smells of your Mummy or some horrible gravely litter in a plastic tray?
Every time I do start to get stressed with the situation I have to remind myself why he did stop using the litter tray, it is because he was so ill and started associating the litter tray with pain, so he started going somewhere that felt safe, which was my bed as it smells of me. So I guess it is kind of cute in a way!
Betty is just the perfect cat, she may get herself stuck in strange places, but apart from that she is pretty much perfect. I wish Bob would take a leaf out of her book sometimes, it would be nice to go one day without cleaning up poo and wee. But we all no what I am going to say, I could never stay mad at him!
Every time I do start to get stressed with the situation I have to remind myself why he did stop using the litter tray, it is because he was so ill and started associating the litter tray with pain, so he started going somewhere that felt safe, which was my bed as it smells of me. So I guess it is kind of cute in a way!
Betty is just the perfect cat, she may get herself stuck in strange places, but apart from that she is pretty much perfect. I wish Bob would take a leaf out of her book sometimes, it would be nice to go one day without cleaning up poo and wee. But we all no what I am going to say, I could never stay mad at him!
Friday, 8 October 2010
Bob, you can't still be hungry!
Bob is driving me nuts, he is constantly moaning for food, he follows me around whining, making out like he is starving. The thing is I have to be really careful as to how much to feed him as he is a tiny bit overweight according to the vets, but he seems starving. I have started giving him a little extra, but he still wants more. If he is still growing like we think, then that would explain his ever increasing appetite, but how much should I let him have?
Poor Betty got stuck inside the duvet this morning, she got in the bottom inside the cover, got right to the far end and then couldn't find her way out, then to make things worse for poor Betty, Bod decided to start attacking her through the cover, poor Betty was panicking to get out, Bob was squashing her, so I had to step in and rescue her. She always seems to get herself into these strange situations.
Poor Betty got stuck inside the duvet this morning, she got in the bottom inside the cover, got right to the far end and then couldn't find her way out, then to make things worse for poor Betty, Bod decided to start attacking her through the cover, poor Betty was panicking to get out, Bob was squashing her, so I had to step in and rescue her. She always seems to get herself into these strange situations.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Bob and Betty are going on holiday
It looks like Bob and Betty are going to be going on holiday, I am going away, so they are going to the cats home that I volunteer at. I no they are going to be OK, they have got each other, I think it is me that is going to find it the most difficult. I am going to make sure they have lots of their own things from home with them, like their beds and toys, I may also take Bobs box as well!
The longest they have ever been away from me is when I have been in hospital and on each occasion this has happened I have made one of my parents or siblings stay here with them, so they are not alone, especially over night. I no they are going to be OK, well I have to keep telling myself that any way!
The cats home they are going to is lovely, I completely trust the lady who runs it, she is called Lorraine, She is an amazing lady, she cares so much for every cat in her care. I couldn't think of anyone I would trust more with my precious Bob and Betty.
So Bob and Betty are going to have a jolly for a few months!
The longest they have ever been away from me is when I have been in hospital and on each occasion this has happened I have made one of my parents or siblings stay here with them, so they are not alone, especially over night. I no they are going to be OK, well I have to keep telling myself that any way!
The cats home they are going to is lovely, I completely trust the lady who runs it, she is called Lorraine, She is an amazing lady, she cares so much for every cat in her care. I couldn't think of anyone I would trust more with my precious Bob and Betty.
So Bob and Betty are going to have a jolly for a few months!
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Betty can't meow
Betty has never learnt to meow properly, she has always made this horrible whining noise when she wants to meow, I had always thought she would grow out of it and would learn to meow, but I am guessing now she is two that there is not much chance of her voice changing now. It is cute that she has her own very special noise, but to be honest, sometimes I want to shout "meow properly", she looks at me, opens her mouth and this silly sound comes out.
We have had a lot of visitors over the last few days, especially the crisis team, Bob has been hilarious, he rolls around on the floor in front of them, charming them with his beautiful big eyes, where as Betty keeps a safe distance, giving them evil looks. She is a lot harder to charm and tends to treat every one as if they need to be kept an eye on, just in case they are planning something!
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Sorry for lack of Bob and Betty updates
Sorry for lack of Bob and Betty updates, I haven't been feeling that great.
My psychologist come to see me yesterday, she hasn't seen Bob for a long time, she walked in and the first thing she said was "wow, look at the size of him", I guess that just proves how massive he is.
Bob seems to have decided he has some sort of sexual attractions to poor Betty, they are both neutered, have been since 16 weeks old, but all of a sudden he is obsessed with biting Betty's bottom, just above the base of her tail. He follows her around constantly doing it and often will pull out a chunk of fur. I feel so sorry for her as she is definitely not interested in his sexual advances. I have no idea where this behaviour has sprung from, he has never been like this before. I just hope he gets over his urges soon, before Betty swipes him good and proper and knocks him in line.
Bob seems to have got over his box obsession, so it mainly sits empty now, so I am not constantly having to live around boxes.
Betty has been as good as gold like always, she is like the perfect cat, where as Bob, well lets put it this way, he tests me!
My psychologist come to see me yesterday, she hasn't seen Bob for a long time, she walked in and the first thing she said was "wow, look at the size of him", I guess that just proves how massive he is.
Bob seems to have decided he has some sort of sexual attractions to poor Betty, they are both neutered, have been since 16 weeks old, but all of a sudden he is obsessed with biting Betty's bottom, just above the base of her tail. He follows her around constantly doing it and often will pull out a chunk of fur. I feel so sorry for her as she is definitely not interested in his sexual advances. I have no idea where this behaviour has sprung from, he has never been like this before. I just hope he gets over his urges soon, before Betty swipes him good and proper and knocks him in line.
Bob seems to have got over his box obsession, so it mainly sits empty now, so I am not constantly having to live around boxes.
All wrapped up! |
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
I thought Betty was dead
I came into the room to be greeted with the sight of Betty's back legs sticking out from under a chair, she was motionless, I went rushing over, thinking the worst, but luckily it was Betty deciding to sleep in a really odd position, thank goodness, she was fast asleep, but alive!
Bob has decided that he once again doesn't want to follow the behaviour plan set for him by the leading cat behaviourists in the country and is once again peeing anywhere and ever where. I am tired of cleaning up cat urine, but I can never stay cross at him, he only has to show me his gorgeous face and I can forgive him anything.
A strange way to sleep |
Bob has decided that he once again doesn't want to follow the behaviour plan set for him by the leading cat behaviourists in the country and is once again peeing anywhere and ever where. I am tired of cleaning up cat urine, but I can never stay cross at him, he only has to show me his gorgeous face and I can forgive him anything.
How could I stay mad at this face? |
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Vomit on the floor
I woke up to a lovely pile of vomit on the floor this morning, I have no idea who did it, neither of them are off their food, or appear to be ill, so I am guessing it is just one of them things, well I hope any ways!
One of Bobs boxes has broken, so his box city is decreasing, so maybe soon I will have my floor back.
My little brother stayed over last night, he got the joy of Bob and Betty climbing over him all night, I am so used to it that I sleep through it these days, but for my brother it was an unwelcome experience!
Bob and Betty are not happy with me as this morning I went to the cats home I volunteer at when I am well, I went to do a bit of cat cuddling, which I always enjoy, but to Bob and Betty it is like I have cheated on them. When I got back they were sniffing all over me, climbing up my legs, investigating what I have been doing. Then comes the punishment for stroking other cats, they ignore me, they act like I have committed a crime, they sit at a distance staring at me like I am evil. How dare I stroke other cats!
One of Bobs boxes has broken, so his box city is decreasing, so maybe soon I will have my floor back.
My little brother stayed over last night, he got the joy of Bob and Betty climbing over him all night, I am so used to it that I sleep through it these days, but for my brother it was an unwelcome experience!
Beautiful Betty |
Friday, 24 September 2010
Bob has more boxes
Bob now has three boxes, his collection is growing rapidly, it is like box city in here!
I woke up in the middle of the night to feel Bob 'digging' on my legs on top of the duvet, this is what he does when he is about to go to the toilet on me, so I gave him a little shove off the bed, I started to nod off only to be woken up a few minutes later to him doing the same thing, so again I gave him a little shove, only to be awaken again a few minutes later, by surprise surprise the same thing. So this time I dragged myself of bed and carried him to the litter tray for him to do his business, the things I do for that cat!
There was a fight in the street outside my flat last night, Betty was like a nosey old lady, she went straight over to the window and spent a good 10 minutes watching the fight through a gap in the curtains, she should be a member of the neighbour hood watch!
One of Bobs new boxes |
I woke up in the middle of the night to feel Bob 'digging' on my legs on top of the duvet, this is what he does when he is about to go to the toilet on me, so I gave him a little shove off the bed, I started to nod off only to be woken up a few minutes later to him doing the same thing, so again I gave him a little shove, only to be awaken again a few minutes later, by surprise surprise the same thing. So this time I dragged myself of bed and carried him to the litter tray for him to do his business, the things I do for that cat!
There was a fight in the street outside my flat last night, Betty was like a nosey old lady, she went straight over to the window and spent a good 10 minutes watching the fight through a gap in the curtains, she should be a member of the neighbour hood watch!
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Naughty Bob
Bob is once again in my bad books, he has just done a wee in a cat bed on the floor, that is bad enough, but to make it worse it soaked through onto the carpet, my flat is starting to smell like a public toilet.
Betty as usual has been as good as gold, she hasn't sent any more emails today, thank goodness. My Dad stopped by earlier, he used my loo, so of course Bob had to go and check what my Dad had been doing in 'his' bathroom. It is getting embarrassing having to explain to guests about our strange bathroom rules!
That's about all for today guys!
Betty as usual has been as good as gold, she hasn't sent any more emails today, thank goodness. My Dad stopped by earlier, he used my loo, so of course Bob had to go and check what my Dad had been doing in 'his' bathroom. It is getting embarrassing having to explain to guests about our strange bathroom rules!
That's about all for today guys!
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
The hunt is on!
The hunt is on, I haven't mentioned this before, but as Bob and Betty are house cats, I have always had to be very inventive to find ways to keep them occupied, so every evening they have a hunt. I shut them out of the lounge and hide treats around the room, then I let them back in and watch as they hunt around the room for the treats. It is stimulating for them and helps them to use their natural instincts and it is fun for me watching them trying to find the treats. I would recommend any cat owner give it ago!
This is a cute photo of Betty when she was about 4 weeks old, it is really annoying as I lost a load of photos of Bob as a kitten and only have a few left of Betty as a kitten, but every now and again one turns up, this one turned up on my Dads computer! She looks so gorgeous, I have still got the basket she is in, so at some point I will take a picture of her by it, so you can see the difference now she is 2 years old.
Bob has started waking me up at 6am every morning, he stands on my chest purring away, that sounds cute, but what he does next isn't, he will gently tap my face, but if I don't wake up to that, he will stick out one claw and use it to poke my eye lids and pull on my lip, I try to ignore him for as long as possible, as obviously 6am is not a good time to wake up, but the longer I ignore him, the harder he pokes, eventually I get so fed up. I guess he has found something that works and is sticking to it!
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How cute |
Bob has started waking me up at 6am every morning, he stands on my chest purring away, that sounds cute, but what he does next isn't, he will gently tap my face, but if I don't wake up to that, he will stick out one claw and use it to poke my eye lids and pull on my lip, I try to ignore him for as long as possible, as obviously 6am is not a good time to wake up, but the longer I ignore him, the harder he pokes, eventually I get so fed up. I guess he has found something that works and is sticking to it!
Monday, 20 September 2010
Betty sent her very first email
I always new Betty was bright, but today just showed me how bright! Get ready for this, she sent her very first email!!!
I will explain how it really happened, I was half way through writing an email, I popped to the loo, Bob followed me as usual, so I no it wasn't him, but when I went back to finish the email, it had been sent, so I looked in my sent box and I couldn't believe what I saw, along with my half written email, was a whole load of letters and lines, Betty had only gone of finished the email for my and then took the initiative and sent it for me as well. I am sure not many cat owners have a cat that would be willing to do that for them!!!She really is a genius.
On another note, Bob is still in love with his cardboard box, it is a box for goodness sake!
I will explain how it really happened, I was half way through writing an email, I popped to the loo, Bob followed me as usual, so I no it wasn't him, but when I went back to finish the email, it had been sent, so I looked in my sent box and I couldn't believe what I saw, along with my half written email, was a whole load of letters and lines, Betty had only gone of finished the email for my and then took the initiative and sent it for me as well. I am sure not many cat owners have a cat that would be willing to do that for them!!!She really is a genius.
On another note, Bob is still in love with his cardboard box, it is a box for goodness sake!
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Betty got stuck
I left my pyjamas on the floor, Betty of course decided to investigate, but curiosity kills the cat, as the old saying goes! She got stuck in the trouser leg of my pyjama bottoms, she tried reversing out, she tried wiggling out, she then gave up. I decided at that point that it was time to release her from her new prison! I think she was really relieved to be free, but I bet she will end up doing it again at some point, as that is just what she is like!
Bob is still spending most of his time in 'his' box, poor Betty decided to jump in when Bob did finally get out, but Bob soon chased her out and regained his guard over his box.
I woke up in the early hours of the morning to find I was asleep on my tummy and guess who was fast asleep on my back? Bob, he was weighing me down, he is so heavy now, at least he was comfy, because I definitely wasn't!!!
Help!!! |
Bob is still spending most of his time in 'his' box, poor Betty decided to jump in when Bob did finally get out, but Bob soon chased her out and regained his guard over his box.
Its my box |
I woke up in the early hours of the morning to find I was asleep on my tummy and guess who was fast asleep on my back? Bob, he was weighing me down, he is so heavy now, at least he was comfy, because I definitely wasn't!!!
Friday, 17 September 2010
Betty snores like a man!
Betty has always been a snorer, but recently it is like sleeping with a man in my bed. She also has this creepy habit for sleeping with her eyes open, it is very scary to see as when she is dreaming her eyes flick around really fast. She was asleep with her eyes open on top of the wardrobe earlier, see what you think.
Bob has barley left his box all day, it is a cardboard box for goodness sake!
Bob has always had a bit of an obsession with my toilet, if some body uses it, he always has to check to see what they have done after words, guests tend to find in a bit unnerving, but I have got used to it. He just likes to no what you have been up to in 'his' toilet!
Another poo in the right place for Bob, his behaviour plan seems to be going well, how ironic is it that my cat seems to have more therapy than his owner!
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Creepy or cute? |
Bob has barley left his box all day, it is a cardboard box for goodness sake!
Bob has always had a bit of an obsession with my toilet, if some body uses it, he always has to check to see what they have done after words, guests tend to find in a bit unnerving, but I have got used to it. He just likes to no what you have been up to in 'his' toilet!
Another poo in the right place for Bob, his behaviour plan seems to be going well, how ironic is it that my cat seems to have more therapy than his owner!
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Bob and his new box
Bob has had a very exciting day, he has got a new box. Any time any thing arrives in a box, Bob gets first dibs on the box, I can buy a posh expensive cat bed, but Bob will always pick a cardboard box, so he was over the moon when a big one arrived today.
Betty on the other hand has discovered that she can get up onto a really high cabinet in the lounge, so she sits up there teasing Bob as he can't get up there, due his size.
Bobs new box |
I heard back from the FAB cats people and apparently there is a chance that he could be a giant, they have suggested that we monitor his growth for a while, before putting him through invasive tests, so it is all down to if he keeps growing, so stay tuned to see if he really is going to end up the size of a lion!
I came home earlier to find Bob and Betty asleep on the bit of duvet that Bob is meant to poo on, they looked so cute curled up together, but that is not meant to be the idea of the behaviour plan!
Too cute! |
"No one can get me up here!!!" |
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
No more wee on my legs!
The duvet protector arrived today, so sorry Bob, there is going to be no more wee on my legs no matter how hard he tries!
A lovely hair ball has appeared on the carpet over night from Betty, so she is hopefully feeling a lot better.
Betty has pica disorder, that is why she keeps eating my hair and plastic, I read a really interesting article on it, I new there had to be a reason for her strange eating obsessions.
They have both been fairly boring today, so not a interesting blog today I am afraid!
A lovely hair ball has appeared on the carpet over night from Betty, so she is hopefully feeling a lot better.
Betty has pica disorder, that is why she keeps eating my hair and plastic, I read a really interesting article on it, I new there had to be a reason for her strange eating obsessions.
They have both been fairly boring today, so not a interesting blog today I am afraid!
Monday, 13 September 2010
Bob plays fetch
Bob used to play fetch when he was a kitten, but hasn't for ages, but this evening he has started to play it again, maybe he thinks he is a dog!
Betty was asleep on the back of the sofa behind me earlier, she stretched out and rested her front poor on my shoulder, it was so cute, she slept like that forages, just relaxing with her arm on my shoulder.
Betty was asleep on the back of the sofa behind me earlier, she stretched out and rested her front poor on my shoulder, it was so cute, she slept like that forages, just relaxing with her arm on my shoulder.
Just to show you how big Bob is, his head is almost as big as mine |
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This is my favourite pic of them, it was taken about a year ago |
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Fed up of buying duvets
I am fed up of buying duvets because Bob has wrecked them by peeing on them, so I discovered an internet website that sales duvet protectors, so one is on its way in the post, lets see if Bob can manage to ruin that!
Still waiting to hear back if Bob could be a giant, well if he could have a problem with his pituitary gland any ways, but giant seems a little more dramatic!
Not had a hair ball from Betty yet and she is still off her food, I am sure there will be one on the floor soon. I just hope that her tummy feels better soon.
I found some photos of Betty from when she was born and her first week of life, enjoy!
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A few minutes old |
Not had a hair ball from Betty yet and she is still off her food, I am sure there will be one on the floor soon. I just hope that her tummy feels better soon.
I found some photos of Betty from when she was born and her first week of life, enjoy!
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A few days old, just opened her eyes |
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A week old |
Friday, 10 September 2010
Bob is in my bad books
Bob is in my bad books, why you might ask, what on earth could lovely Bob have done, well I will tell you what he has done, Bob did a poo and a wee on my legs in the night, again!!! I don't no whether to laugh or cry!
But as you all no, no matter what Bob does I can't stay mad at him for long, he just has to show me his cute little face and all is forgiven.
Betty has been a bit off her food today, so I am expecting a hair ball on the carpet at some point over the next few days, as that is normally the only thing that puts her off her food. I expect the hair ball will contain more of my hair than her own hair judging by the amount of my hair she has been eating.
Bob and Betty were playing with a huge spider in the bath yesterday, but they always get very confused when the poor thing dies, they can't seem to understand why it isn't playing their game any more. I wish I could explain to them that the reason it is no longer moving is because they have tortured it to death. RIP spider.
But as you all no, no matter what Bob does I can't stay mad at him for long, he just has to show me his cute little face and all is forgiven.
Betty has been a bit off her food today, so I am expecting a hair ball on the carpet at some point over the next few days, as that is normally the only thing that puts her off her food. I expect the hair ball will contain more of my hair than her own hair judging by the amount of my hair she has been eating.
Bob and Betty were playing with a huge spider in the bath yesterday, but they always get very confused when the poor thing dies, they can't seem to understand why it isn't playing their game any more. I wish I could explain to them that the reason it is no longer moving is because they have tortured it to death. RIP spider.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Wrote to FAB cats
I have written to FAB cats, which are the Feline Advisory Bureau, to ask if Bob really could be a giant, I am convinced he is, before long he will be the size of a lion!!
Bob has been acting really cute this evening, wanting lots of tummy rubs, Betty on the other hand has decided that I don't exist this evening.
Bob has done his daily poo on the bed, so the plan is going well, it seems odd encouraging your cat to toilet on your bed, but if it sorts him out in the long run then that is what I have to do.
Betty hasn't tried to eat my hair today, so hopefully she has lost the taste for it, well I hope anyways!
Bob has been acting really cute this evening, wanting lots of tummy rubs, Betty on the other hand has decided that I don't exist this evening.
Bob has done his daily poo on the bed, so the plan is going well, it seems odd encouraging your cat to toilet on your bed, but if it sorts him out in the long run then that is what I have to do.
Betty hasn't tried to eat my hair today, so hopefully she has lost the taste for it, well I hope anyways!
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Clipping of claws
I clipped Bob and Betty's claws this evening, normally an easy task, but with my arm in plaster it was a nightmare and Bob and Betty decided they were not going to make it easy.
I was shredding some documents with an electric shredder, Bob and Betty were hilarious, they were really interested in it, but petrified of it at the same time, so they kept edging closer, then running away.
I fell asleep on the sofa earlier, it got near tea time, so Bob decided to wake me up in a not so gentle way, by jumping on my chest from the back of the sofa, bearing in mind he is a massive cat!
I was shredding some documents with an electric shredder, Bob and Betty were hilarious, they were really interested in it, but petrified of it at the same time, so they kept edging closer, then running away.
I fell asleep on the sofa earlier, it got near tea time, so Bob decided to wake me up in a not so gentle way, by jumping on my chest from the back of the sofa, bearing in mind he is a massive cat!
Monday, 6 September 2010
Is Bob a giant?
Well I have been doing some research into all of Bobs medical problems and I may have come across a possible cause, he is a giant! I am not lying, apparently a lot of his problems point to a problem with his pituitary gland, which is the gland that can cause you to turn into a giant. You never no, in a few years he might be the size of a lion, that would be interesting!
I popped to the loo half way through unpacking a few carrier bags, next thing I new poor Bob came into the bathroom followed by Betty, both of them looking very confused, Bob had managed to get his head through the handle of an empty bag and couldn't understand why the bag was following him around like a cape, poor thing, the look of confusion was very funny, but obviously I freed him and they both walked away as if nothing had happened.
Betty has only tried to eat my hair once today, which is an improvement, as the look of short stumpy bits of hair wasn't really what I wanted to go for!
I popped to the loo half way through unpacking a few carrier bags, next thing I new poor Bob came into the bathroom followed by Betty, both of them looking very confused, Bob had managed to get his head through the handle of an empty bag and couldn't understand why the bag was following him around like a cape, poor thing, the look of confusion was very funny, but obviously I freed him and they both walked away as if nothing had happened.
Betty has only tried to eat my hair once today, which is an improvement, as the look of short stumpy bits of hair wasn't really what I wanted to go for!
Betty loves hair
Betty has on three separate occasions today tried to eat my hair, why? what on earth could be so tasty about my hair?!
Bob has done his business on the plastic covering my bed rather than the piece of duvet, but I guess that is close enough for now.
I got a new arm chair a little while ago, I was determined that Bob and Betty were not going to ruin it, as they have ruined practicably every other piece of furniture I own, even though they have a huge scratch post. But of course they think my new chair is the most amazing thing in the world to scratch, much to my horror. The thing is I don't have the heart to tell them off, as long as they are happy that is all that matters to me!
Bob has done his business on the plastic covering my bed rather than the piece of duvet, but I guess that is close enough for now.
I got a new arm chair a little while ago, I was determined that Bob and Betty were not going to ruin it, as they have ruined practicably every other piece of furniture I own, even though they have a huge scratch post. But of course they think my new chair is the most amazing thing in the world to scratch, much to my horror. The thing is I don't have the heart to tell them off, as long as they are happy that is all that matters to me!
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Another poo in the right place!
I cannot believe my eyes, Bob has done a poo in the correct place again this evening, maybe he really is getting the hang of this. Maybe I will get my bed back soon with out constantly living in fear of Bob!
Betty spent ages this evening trying so hard to catch a really huge moth, unfortunately for Betty it was on the outside the window. That didn't stop her from trying really hard to catch it.
I made a trip to the big pet shop earlier, so Bob and Betty now have a new place matt each, but more excitingly for them, packets and packets and treats, although Betty was more interested in eating the plastic her new place matt was wrapped in!!!
Betty is currently fast asleep behind me on the sofa and Bob is busy licking his privates, charming!
Betty spent ages this evening trying so hard to catch a really huge moth, unfortunately for Betty it was on the outside the window. That didn't stop her from trying really hard to catch it.
I made a trip to the big pet shop earlier, so Bob and Betty now have a new place matt each, but more excitingly for them, packets and packets and treats, although Betty was more interested in eating the plastic her new place matt was wrapped in!!!
Betty is currently fast asleep behind me on the sofa and Bob is busy licking his privates, charming!
Friday, 3 September 2010
Bobs behaviour plan
Success, a poo in the right place! |
The first stage of the plan was to cover my bed in a plastic sheet, and have a large piece of duvet on it, that he is allowed to toilet on. Then the aim is to slowly turn this piece of duvet into a litter tray, then we can work on moving it slowly to the bathroom. This was always going to be a slow process, but I was willing to give anything a try.
Bob didn't take to the piece of duvet and would insist on toileting else were, but finally he has started to use it, it has only taken about nine weeks!!!
So stage one is under way, at this rate he will be an OAP by the time he is using the toilet!
Betty as usual has been as good as gold, she is a star!
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Introducing Betty
Betty has a strange habit for eating plastic, I don't no where this habit came from, but she will chew plastic bags, selotape etc if you leave it in her path. She also loves grooming my ears and eyebrows for me, which is a strange thing to wake up to!
Betty adores her brother Bob and finds it really difficult when Bob is away at the vets, so when that happens, she loves a bit of extra attention.
Betty will often sleep in very non cat like positions, I will often find her stretched out on her back, with her arms and legs stretched out. She is also a terrible snorer and will often sleep with her eyes open.
She is a wonderful cat and I wouldn't have her any other way!
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