The hunt is on, I haven't mentioned this before, but as Bob and Betty are house cats, I have always had to be very inventive to find ways to keep them occupied, so every evening they have a hunt. I shut them out of the lounge and hide treats around the room, then I let them back in and watch as they hunt around the room for the treats. It is stimulating for them and helps them to use their natural instincts and it is fun for me watching them trying to find the treats. I would recommend any cat owner give it ago!
How cute |
This is a cute photo of Betty when she was about 4 weeks old, it is really annoying as I lost a load of photos of Bob as a kitten and only have a few left of Betty as a kitten, but every now and again one turns up, this one turned up on my Dads computer! She looks so gorgeous, I have still got the basket she is in, so at some point I will take a picture of her by it, so you can see the difference now she is 2 years old.
Bob has started waking me up at 6am every morning, he stands on my chest purring away, that sounds cute, but what he does next isn't, he will gently tap my face, but if I don't wake up to that, he will stick out one claw and use it to poke my eye lids and pull on my lip, I try to ignore him for as long as possible, as obviously 6am is not a good time to wake up, but the longer I ignore him, the harder he pokes, eventually I get so fed up. I guess he has found something that works and is sticking to it!
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