Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Betty, Betty, Betty

Betty has just given me the fright of my life, as I have mentioned before she suffers from pica disorder, which means she eats odd things, for her it mainly involves a love for plastic and my hair. Well just now she gave the fright of my life (and hers I think). I heard a crinkling sound, look round to see her chewing on something, as I walked towards her she started choking. I am panicking, she is panicking, Bob is asking for treats! Any ways, I find myself sticking my fingers deep into her mouth to pull out the piece of clear plastic that covered the face of my new watch, Betty sees plastic and thinks it is tasty, I should have known better and should never have left it on the table, but a moment of lapse in concentration means Betty leaps into action!

I am pleased to say Betty has got over the ordeal and would eat it again given the chance, me on the other hand am still shaking. Do not get a cat with pica disorder, it is hard work!

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