At present my bed is covered in a sheet of plastic, with a piece of duvet on it that is approx 1 sixth of a double duvet. This is what he toilets on, obviously every time he goes on it I wash that piece and put a clean piece on the bed, but this isn't ideal for long term, but it is luxury compared to what I have been used to with him. The plan is to slowly turn the piece of duvet into a little tray, this is going to have to be done VERY slowly, as obviously I do not want him to feel rushed and go back wards, but I can now see an end to this, finely I will be able to have my bed back!
Bob was very ill as a youngster and it caused him to fear going to the toilet, especially in the litter tray, so he started to go on my bed and me, because it made him feel safe. Unfortunately the behaviour stuck and the only place he likes to toilet is me or my bed, not pleasant I assure you! But Bob is on the mend, slowly but surely.
But as you all no, I would never have Bob any other way, he is a special cat (and he knows it!)
Lets give poor Betty a mention, she always seems to be left out, she is all good fun, still into chasing cotton buds and doing her funny little winge noise. She is a special cat two, I love them both to pieces.
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