The ever so thoughtful Bob decided to treat me to another wee on the bed in the night, obviously now I have my duvet protector, so I didn't get wet, but I noticed the wee as I rolled over and put my hand in a wet patch. Either he does it because he really loves me and thinks I like it, or he does it because he likes to piss me off, sometimes I struggle to work out which one it is! His behaviour isn't really progressing, he is still on the first stage of the behaviour plan, which means I still have to cover my bed in plastic during the day and I have a piece of duvet on it that he is allowed to toilet on. Obviously the aim is to get him using the litter tray again, but he doesn't want to move past the first stage, he is perfectly happy toileting on the piece of duvet in the day and on me in the night, I mean lets face it, which would you rather go on, a nice soft piece of duvet that smells of your Mummy or some horrible gravely litter in a plastic tray?
Every time I do start to get stressed with the situation I have to remind myself why he did stop using the litter tray, it is because he was so ill and started associating the litter tray with pain, so he started going somewhere that felt safe, which was my bed as it smells of me. So I guess it is kind of cute in a way!
Betty is just the perfect cat, she may get herself stuck in strange places, but apart from that she is pretty much perfect. I wish Bob would take a leaf out of her book sometimes, it would be nice to go one day without cleaning up poo and wee. But we all no what I am going to say, I could never stay mad at him!
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