Bob's best friend apart from Betty and me of course came around this evening. My Mums dog Molly is an unlikely companion for a cat, but Bob is besotted with her, he follows her around, he lies in front of her on his back wanting her to give him a tummy rub, I have never seen anything like it. He also will spend hours rolling around on her harness if it is left on the floor. Betty on the other hand does her usual, she treats Molly with suspicion and keeps her distance, she will sit a far giving evil looks of distrust, trying to work out what this 'thing' is doing in her house. It is remarkable to see the two completely different reactions.
Molly actually has quite a sad story behind her, she is a wonderful dog, but she came from a breeding farm, she was four years old when we got her, she had spent her whole life in a small pen having litter after litter of puppies, she had never been outside of her pen, she had never been on a lead, she had never touched grass, had a treat. The only human contact she had was when it involved chucking her food and sorting out her puppies, she didn't even no she had a name. But quite possibly the saddest bit was that she had never ever had a toy to play with, so even now she has no idea what a toy is, we have spent countless hours with her, trying to show her what a ball is or a frisbee is, but she just doesn't get it. I guess there is a window in their learning as a puppy when they learn to play and she obviously never had that opportunity. She is so loved now, she is spoilt rotten, but she is still very very timid, she will sit in her basket all day with out moving unless you encourage her to get out. Another thing is that she never barks, I have only ever heard her bark once and that was in her sleep, apart from that one occasion she just doesn't do it. We have had her in the family for a year and a half now and we couldn't imagine her not being there, we feel privileged that we were the lucky ones that got to rescue her from that horrible life and have given her her new wonderful life.
Such a sad story about Molly but I'm glad she has a happy home now :)