Monday, 9 May 2011

Bob has regressed

In a matter of days Bob has regressed right to the beginning and I have no idea why. His behaviour is normally linked in with my mood cycles, I would say I am quite stable at the moment, but for what ever reason Bob has lost the plot. The other night he did a wee on me, then a few hours later followed it with a poo, he has pood on the carpet, weed on a cat bed twice, just everywhere really. But yesterday was even worse as he did the opposite and held it in all day, he didn't go to the toilet at all, so at bed time I had to take him to the toilet, as other wise I new full well he would do it once I was asleep on me. The problem is he has done the same today, he has once again held it in all day and I have had to take him to the toilet at bed time. This is no good for two reasons, reason one him holding it in all day would be unhealthy for any cat, but for Bob it is really dangerous as he has Urinary Tract Disease, holding it in like this will make it flare up and is likely to cause an infection, which will end in him getting blocked and needing a catheter, which is what caused the behaviour problems when he was a kitten. Reason two is that with the behaviour team we have worked hard to reduce Bobs dependence on me especially with regards toileting. He should be able to go to the toilet on his own and in the past he became dependant on me to take him and sit with him whilst he went. We do not want this dependence to reform.

It is just scary how quickly he appears to have gone so far backwards. For any of you that don't no why Bob has these problems or think this is all silly you have to remember Bob was so ill and nearly died due to Urinary Track Disease, he suffered some really invasive treatment which traumatised him and made him think that going to the toilet is going to hurt. It was my choice to keep him alive, so I have to deal with the consequences. He is worth every bit of the trouble we go through. He and Betty are two very special cats and I would put up with anything as long as they are ok.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amy,

    Poor Bob! It's hard for you too to be dealing with and cleaning up that kind of mess.

    It sounded like your ideas of building little toilets around the flat, and creating a litterbox situation on the bed, were really good ones, so we really hope that helps! *fingers crossed*
