Sunday, 24 April 2011

I have rather neglected this blog

Betty looking at out new flat
you can see it out of our window!
I have rather neglected this blog recently, but you will be pleased to hear I haven't neglected Bob and Betty!

Things are going really well for them both. Bob has come off his prescription food and all of his medication and so far is doing extremely well and has had no urinary tract infections, his toileting behaviour has improved so much, he has moved further on in his behaviour plan and even some days chooses to go to the loo in the litter tray (at long last!). I can't remember the last time he had an accident on me in the night. The behaviour team seem really happy with his progress, it is just mad how he suddenly changed, I think an end is in sight and eventually he will be toileting confidentially every time in his litter tray.

Betty is still a trouble maker, she gets into all kinds of mischief, last night she ran through gold ink that I was using for crafting, she had gold paws and left gold paw prints across the carpet. She always seems to pleased with these kind of things, she is constantly on the look out for what trouble she can get into next.
Bob and Betty sunbathing

They are both enjoying lounging around in the sun that comes through the window, obviously they are house cats, so they do their sunbathing indoors!

They are loving Ben the hamster, they are not as interested in him as they were when he first arrived, but they like watching him eat. Ben still likes to follow them around in his exercise ball, Bob and Betty just walk away from him like he is the embarrassing little brother that wants to hang out with the older ones all the time.

Bob and Betty are looking forward to our big move, we should be moving in June, they are going to have so much more space, they are not going to know what to do with themselves. I feel almost sad about them leaving here in a way, they have lived here since they were tiny kittens, apart from a month at my sisters and a few stints at my parents when I have been poorly. I think I think about things too much, but will they miss here? will they always be thinking "we will be going home soon", I really do think about things too much don't I!

Betty dozing in the sun

Bob asleep with his
favourite toy

Bob and Betty keeping an
eye on Ben


  1. Awwww sweet little brothers and sisters playing along together! So happy that you've got Bob doing his business where he should now, it just shows what a dedicated owner you are, Amy!

  2. Hiya Amy. I find other peoples lifes soo interesting. OMG you have so much more patients than me though.My cats prefer the security of the house than going out and are VERY good with the litter trays.Gotta say i think its an excellent idea you doing these bloggs.You have suffered soo much and deserve a break. Best of luck with the move. :)
