Well Betty is a funny one, as a tiny kitten she was such a dare devil, often doing things that would make me hold my breath, she has calmed slightly as she has got older, but still has that wild side in her. She loves tormenting flies and spiders, when they finally give in and die she gets very confused and can't understand why they are not playing here game any more!
Betty always seems to look 'evil' in photos, but she is not, she is lovely. At night time she is very affectionate and will climb all over me if I attempt to read a book in bed.
Betty is a very dainty cat, but eats a lot. She can be very suspicious of new foods or treats, but as soon as she realises they are fine, she will snap them out of your hands.
Betty has a strange habit for eating plastic, I don't no where this habit came from, but she will chew plastic bags, selotape etc if you leave it in her path. She also loves grooming my ears and eyebrows for me, which is a strange thing to wake up to!
Betty adores her brother Bob and finds it really difficult when Bob is away at the vets, so when that happens, she loves a bit of extra attention.
Betty will often sleep in very non cat like positions, I will often find her stretched out on her back, with her arms and legs stretched out. She is also a terrible snorer and will often sleep with her eyes open.
She is a wonderful cat and I wouldn't have her any other way!